{N} - Men's Hoodie+Shirt Release!
Hello handsomes! We just released our Hoodie+Shirts for men, which match the hoodies we currently have out for the women as well! These hoodies come in 18 different colors and patterns and has a texture-change HUD for the shirt, so you have 20 different shirts to choose from. We're also working on a shirt HUD add-on for the men, which will come with 20 more shirts you can buy as well. That should be out probably later today!
Still working on more men's stuff, as well as some pants and skirts for the ladies. My time is a little crunched at the moment due to puppy-sitting one month old basset hounds lol, but, I'm trying to do as much as I can between watching them and getting ready for upcoming events as well!
Still working on more men's stuff, as well as some pants and skirts for the ladies. My time is a little crunched at the moment due to puppy-sitting one month old basset hounds lol, but, I'm trying to do as much as I can between watching them and getting ready for upcoming events as well!